Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011

0 Restart Komputer dengan Cepat

Kadang-kadang kita bosan ketika menunggu ketika menunggu komputer di restart sangat lama, sekarang saya mau bagi - bagi ilmu untuk bagaimana cara Restart Komputer dengan Cepat, kita melakukan langkah-langkah dibawah ini menggunakan Registry Editor.

1. Klik Start => Run, ktik regedit lalu Enter.
2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/WindowsNT/CurrertVersion/Winlogon
3. Cari DWORD Value bernama ShutdownWithoutLogon. Jika belum ada, buatlah DWORD value baru dengan cara klik Edit > New > DWORD value, kemudian beri nama ShutdownWithoutLogon
4. Klik 2x ShutdownWithoutLogon dan isi nilai 1 pada value data.
5. Restart komputer anda.

0 Folder Guard Full Version

Folder Guard Full Version

Folder Guard merupakan salah satu aplikasi yang berfungsi untuk melindungi folder-folder kita yang bersifat privasi, berisi data-data rahasia, dll dari pihak-pihak yang tidak berkepentingan hampir sama dengan folder lock.

Feature :
1. Lock files and folders with passwords
2. Hide folders from prying eyes
3. Restrict access to Control Panel and other resources
4. Restrict Internet Explorer from downloading programs from the Internet

Download Folder Guard

0 Internet Download Manager 6.04 Final + Crack

Dalam kesempatan ini gua akan share IDM terbaru yaitu Internet Download Manager 6.4 Final. Setelah begitu lama mengalami versi beta, akhirnya sekarang IDM mengeluarkan versi finalnya, namun seperti biasanya setiap Update tidak terlalu mencolok perbedaanya dengan versi -versi sebelumnya dari segi tampilannya.
Version 6.04 is available (Dec/23/2010) :

What is new in version 6.04?

1. Improved downloading of videos in web players. IDM's "Download this video"
2. Panel will appear on more number of popular sites.
3. Added full support for 64-bit browsers
4. Completely revised advanced browser integration. Improved IDM integration
5. Into Google Chrome, Opera, and other browsers. Fixed compatibility
6. Problems with these browsers. Added download panel for these browsers.

Download Internet Download Manager 6.04 Final + Crack

0 Nero + Crack

Nero 9 sangat mudah digunakan dan memberikan anda kebebasan untuk create, rip, copy, burn, edit, share, and upload online. Apapun yang anda inginkan baik itu musik, video, photo, dan data, bisa anda bagikan dan anda nikmati bersama keluarga, teman dan rekan kerja anda kapanpun dan dimanapun ana berada. Simply Create, Rip, Burn, Copy, Share, erBackup, Play, and Enjoy! Nero 9, the easy-to-use yet powerful multimedia suite, gives you the freedom to create, rip, copy, burn, edit, share, and upload online. Whatever you want – music, video, photo, and data – share and enjoy with family and friends anytime, anywhere. 

Requirements :

* A DVD-ROM drive is required for installation
* Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
* 1 GHz Intel Pentium III or equivalent AMD and Intel processor (2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent AMD and Intel processor for Windows Vista), 256 MB RAM (512 MB RAM for Windows Vista)
* 1.5 GB hard drive space for a typical installation of all components
* CD, DVD, or Blu-ray Disc recordable or rewritable drive for burning
* DirectX 9.0c revision 30 (August 2006) or higher
* Up to 9 GB available hard drive space for DVD images and temporary DVD files
* Graphics card with at least 32 MB video memory and minimum resolution of 800 x 600 pixels and 16-bit color settings (24-bit or 32-bit true color is recommended)
* Installation of the latest WHQL certified device drivers is strongly recommended
* For the Nero Online services: Nero product registration, product updates, patent activation, Gracenote services, Nero Online Backup, and other features (such as photo sharing) an Internet connection is required.

Berikut cara instalasinya :

1. Instal nero 9 seperti biasa dan pilih trial version saja.
2. Setelah selesai melakukan Instalasi jangan Restart PC atau Laptop anda.
3. Kemudian jalankan Cracknya jangan lupa di extract dulu.
4. Pada file Keygen pilih pada pilihan Product : Nero 9.0 . Bukan pada Nero 9.0 HD.
5. Selanjutnya klik pada pilihan : Remove All Serials.
6. Selanjutnya klik pada pilihan : Add To White List.
7. Lihat informasi yang menandakan sukses (Serial successfully added to white-list and registry)
8. Baru anda bisa merestart PC atau laptop anda.

NB : Jika pada Win 7 key tidak dapat dijalankan atur sedikit dengan cara : Klik kanan Keynya-Properties-Compatibility lalu centang Run this program in compatibility medo for kemudian Apply-OK.

Jika ada masalah tinggalkan komen anda.

Download Nero
Download Crack Nero

0 Age of Empires III

Again one of the most popular games of strategy reappears. In the third part of the saga, Age of Empires III continues the history of "The Conquerors", which ends with the discovery and conquest of the New World.

In this edition, again the collection of minerals and wood is essential for the supply of building materials. Also, to find gold and to produce food is vital for the well-being of a group and the later victory on the enemy.

One big advantage of Age of Empires III, compared to its previous releases, is the quality of its graphs. With new buildings, interactive maps and much more real movements, undoubtedly this game establishes a new parameter for the competition.

Briefly, Age of Empires III will convince you at first sight.

Download Now

0 Adobe Photoshop CS2

If you are acquainted with applications for the design and edition of photos, you probably know that there is no tool more powerful than Adobe Photoshop CS2. This software is ideal to work with all kinds of images, from their optimization up to their printing and scanning.

Adobe Photoshop CS2 is used generally by professionals, because some of its functions require an advanced use. Nevertheless, many of its basic edition options are easy to understand; therefore, a beginner user also can obtain exceptional results.

Adobe Photoshop CS2 is provided with diverse tools, filters, effects and others, which allow to edit and create designs to be also used in the web sites development.

In its new version, this application has incorporated a major stability and quality in each of its functions, so that the obtained results are even more professional.

Download Now

0 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Patch

If you are a fanatic of action games, you will probably already have Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, one of the most important releases in the history of the entertainment for PC. Now, if you have detected some errors in the movements of the characters, incorrect textures or some failure, the patch Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Patch will give you the opportunity to correct them.

Once you have installed Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Patch, you will notice diverse changes that will renew your version so that it is even more attractive. In this way, you will be able to enjoy various and new advantages, such as support to play on two screens simultaneously, gangs control, major stability in the game, etc.

Finally, remember that you need to have the full version of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, otherwise you will not be able to use this patch.

Download now

0 Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne

Welcome Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the incredible expansion for Warcraft III, one of the best and most popular videogames of all times.

In this release, the story is resumed from the end of the adventure narrated in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. Consequently here we can know what happened after the defeat of the Scourge of the living dead and what happened with Arthas, the human being whose soul was corrupted.

Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne not only adds new adventures for you to enjoy but it also is a great addition to the original software. This is due to the fact that incorporates innovating units, amazing heroes and other online game modalities.
Besides, it increases the quantity of races with which you can combat by adding two completely different kinds with unique characteristics.

Due to all the above mentioned reasons Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne is an indispensable download for all the lovers of this great videogame developed by Blizzard.


0 Need for Speed Carbon

Need for Speed Carbon is the new version of Need for Speed, one of the most famous car games globally.

This version continues the history of "Most Wanted", although this time everything happens in the city of Palmont. There, the clashes of different gangs for the control of the streets are the motive of exciting careers.

Although in Need for Speed Carbon the rules of the game are very similar to those of previous versions, there are big changes with regard to the modification of the appearance of each of three types of cars that you have to choose from: here you will be able to add music players to them, change their exhaust system, add lights, decorate them with different colors and much more.

Finally, Need for Speed Carbon possesses graphs of high quality, which will make your experience with this game unforgettable.

Download now

0 Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos

0 Sim Taxi 2 Flash

You are a taxi driver who makes a living driving the citizens all around the city. Your mission will be to pick up the passengers and take them to the place they indicate in the shortest possible time and without unnecessarily driving to and fro.

0 Brain Challenge

Refresh memori Anda dan otak Anda Berikan dorongan vitamin, dan ambil evaluasi dari kapasitas mental anda. Bekerja dengan pelatih favorit pribadi Anda untuk meningkatkan kelincahan otak Anda. Menyelidiki 20 pertandingan yang berbeda dalam lima kategori (Memory, Visual, Logic, Match, dan Fokus). Bagaimana Anda mengatasi stress sehari-hari? Cari tahu dengan harian dan Manajemen Stress Test. Melacak perkembangan harian Anda dan mengevaluasi tingkat aktivitas otak Anda di Brain Challange.

Download from
Download from

0 Brain Challenge

Refresh memori Anda dan otak Anda Berikan dorongan vitamin, dan ambil evaluasi dari kapasitas mental anda. Bekerja dengan pelatih favorit pribadi Anda untuk meningkatkan kelincahan otak Anda. Menyelidiki 20 pertandingan yang berbeda dalam lima kategori (Memory, Visual, Logic, Match, dan Fokus). Bagaimana Anda mengatasi stress sehari-hari? Cari tahu dengan harian dan Manajemen Stress Test. Melacak perkembangan harian Anda dan mengevaluasi tingkat aktivitas otak Anda di Brain Challange.

Download from
Download from

0 Brain Challenge

Refresh memori Anda dan otak Anda Berikan dorongan vitamin, dan ambil evaluasi dari kapasitas mental anda. Bekerja dengan pelatih favorit pribadi Anda untuk meningkatkan kelincahan otak Anda. Menyelidiki 20 pertandingan yang berbeda dalam lima kategori (Memory, Visual, Logic, Match, dan Fokus). Bagaimana Anda mengatasi stress sehari-hari? Cari tahu dengan harian dan Manajemen Stress Test. Melacak perkembangan harian Anda dan mengevaluasi tingkat aktivitas otak Anda di Brain Challange.

Download from
Download from

0 Cheat Password parampaa Lengkap !!

 per Level

Cheat Parampaa Level 11 -> Password : eleven
Cheat Parampaa Level 21 -> Password : twenty1
Cheat Parampaa Level 37 -> Password : thezibba
Cheat Parampaa Level 31 -> Password : thirty1
Cheat Parampaa Level 41 -> Password : fourty1
Cheat Parampaa Level 52-> Password : fifty2
Cheat Parampaa Level 61-> Password : faceoff
Cheat Parampaa Level 67-> Password : sunset
Cheat Parampaa Level 71-> Password : dorayaki
Cheat Parampaa Level 80-> Password : linger
Cheat Parampaa Level 90-> Password : gomugomu
Cheat Parampaa GAME OVER
> Password : parampaa
Cheat Parampaa Level 123 -> Password : arjuna 
Cheat Parampaa Level 140 -> Password : tumpattu
Cheat Parampaa Level 151 -> Password : tumatu
Cheat Parampaa Level 161 -> Password : 161161 
Cheat Parampaa Level 171 -> Password : 117711
Cheat Parampaa Level 179 -> Password : 179179
Cheat Parampaa Level 187 -> Password : 118877

Cheat Parampaa Level 1 - 200: 

* Cheat Parampaa Level 1 : klik mulai
* Cheat Parampaa Level 3 : klik lingkaran yang paling kecil
* Cheat Parampaa Level 11 : terjemahkan kata "death" ke b.indonesia
* Cheat Parampaa Level 15 : jangan sampai kucingnya melihat mouse kamu
* Cheat Parampaa Level 16 : lakuin aja yg dia suruh
* Cheat Parampaa Level 18 : Binatang apa itu?
* Cheat Parampaa Level 23 : hitung dari kiri ke kanan sampe 23
* Cheat Parampaa Level 27 : cecaknya dimana?

0 0Cheat AyoDance BR 2011 !!^_^

Hy all,, Nih gw dpet Cheat BR untuk tahun 2011 ini ^_^

gx usah banyak tanya,, langsung aja lah download .....
gx ada pass ny ko !!

woy !!,, biasa ny para pengunjung langsung download aja
gx pke comment ny,, klo di blog aqu,, WAJIB di FOLLOW !!
biar nanti aqu gratisin lg klo yg udah jadi member !! ;)

ywdh download nih di bawah !! sedot aja ;)

tutorial :

==> extrack smua file ke folder ayodance !! *(ada 2 data)
==> jalanin (PF HACK BR v6060) yg ada gambar muka car cewe !!
==> jalanin lg audi km !!
==> nanti klo ada tulisan (selamat tahun baru 2011) berarti 100% work !! ^_^
==> lalu km masuk room BR,, trus rede,, nah klo play PENCET F3 !!
============== F3 oN ========= F4 OFF ==============

follow yah,, or comment !!........ biar nanti di gratisin !! .............

0 Trainer Hack Audition Indo v.6060 Map Black Haunted School dan Hack Meja DJ

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silahkan klik download di bawah ..
Download disini

tutornya ada didalamnya ..

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