iPad 2 ships on March 11, so what exactly will you get? Here are the tech specs from Apple for us geeks that like this kind of stuff:
Selasa, 29 Maret 2011
0 iPad 2 Specs
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iPad 2 ships on March 11, so what exactly will you get? Here are the tech specs from Apple for us geeks that like this kind of stuff:
0 iPad vs. Xoom vs. iPad 2 Spec Comparison Chart [UPDATE]
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Apple’s much anticipated iPad 2 was announced Wednesday, and we were interested in comparing the specs to both the original iPad and Motorola’s recently announced Xoom Android tablet.
As you can see below, both the iPad 2 and the Xoom each have a few specs in their favor, but the iPad 2 is clearly the best when it comes to size, weight, price, and battery life. Apple’s iPad 2 also has the benefit of LED backlighting, which for many will be enough to overcome the Xoom’s higher resolution (see below) in terms of picture quality). iPad also has both higher and lower storage options, making the device more flexible in terms of both usage and pricing.
The Xoom is the clear favorite in four categories, starting with its display resolution (1280 x 800 compared to 1024 x 768 for iPad and iPad 2). Some users who fancy holding a tablet up as a camera may fancy the Xoom’s back-camera flash, as well. The Xoom also features stereo speakers, a feature Apple doesn’t offer, and the device includes a full GB of RAM. The iPad featured 256MB, and it appears as if iPad 2 has double that, at 512MB.
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0 Sambut Musim F1, Game Balap Makin Populer
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Euforia menyambut dimulainya musim balap mobil Formula 1 tahun ini ternyata menular sampai ke ranah ponsel, khususnya mobile games. Sedikitnya 1,2 juta game bertema otomotif diunduh hanya dalam waktu satu bulan.
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0 Avast Internet Security 6.0 [License s/d 2050]
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