Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011

0 Nero + Crack

Nero 9 sangat mudah digunakan dan memberikan anda kebebasan untuk create, rip, copy, burn, edit, share, and upload online. Apapun yang anda inginkan baik itu musik, video, photo, dan data, bisa anda bagikan dan anda nikmati bersama keluarga, teman dan rekan kerja anda kapanpun dan dimanapun ana berada. Simply Create, Rip, Burn, Copy, Share, erBackup, Play, and Enjoy! Nero 9, the easy-to-use yet powerful multimedia suite, gives you the freedom to create, rip, copy, burn, edit, share, and upload online. Whatever you want – music, video, photo, and data – share and enjoy with family and friends anytime, anywhere. 

Requirements :

* A DVD-ROM drive is required for installation
* Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
* 1 GHz Intel Pentium III or equivalent AMD and Intel processor (2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent AMD and Intel processor for Windows Vista), 256 MB RAM (512 MB RAM for Windows Vista)
* 1.5 GB hard drive space for a typical installation of all components
* CD, DVD, or Blu-ray Disc recordable or rewritable drive for burning
* DirectX 9.0c revision 30 (August 2006) or higher
* Up to 9 GB available hard drive space for DVD images and temporary DVD files
* Graphics card with at least 32 MB video memory and minimum resolution of 800 x 600 pixels and 16-bit color settings (24-bit or 32-bit true color is recommended)
* Installation of the latest WHQL certified device drivers is strongly recommended
* For the Nero Online services: Nero product registration, product updates, patent activation, Gracenote services, Nero Online Backup, and other features (such as photo sharing) an Internet connection is required.

Berikut cara instalasinya :

1. Instal nero 9 seperti biasa dan pilih trial version saja.
2. Setelah selesai melakukan Instalasi jangan Restart PC atau Laptop anda.
3. Kemudian jalankan Cracknya jangan lupa di extract dulu.
4. Pada file Keygen pilih pada pilihan Product : Nero 9.0 . Bukan pada Nero 9.0 HD.
5. Selanjutnya klik pada pilihan : Remove All Serials.
6. Selanjutnya klik pada pilihan : Add To White List.
7. Lihat informasi yang menandakan sukses (Serial successfully added to white-list and registry)
8. Baru anda bisa merestart PC atau laptop anda.

NB : Jika pada Win 7 key tidak dapat dijalankan atur sedikit dengan cara : Klik kanan Keynya-Properties-Compatibility lalu centang Run this program in compatibility medo for kemudian Apply-OK.

Jika ada masalah tinggalkan komen anda.

Download Nero
Download Crack Nero

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